Entries in Zhao Renhui (1)


What's Not to Like? - Singapore International Photography Festival

To say why we like it would take too long.  So here it is.  In bullet points.

The second Singapore International Photography Festival, open call showcase, a biennial event, taking place in venues around the city.  HUMAN: NATURE focusing on the relationship between dependence and destruction.  Short lived, some exhibitions lasting only a three weeks.  Not as grand or as well supported as the Singapore Biennale, but optimistic that the Festival will in future become a fixture on the international photography calendar.

Hee Seung Chung and Lee Il Woo at Human Faces - National Museum of Singapore

  • Hee Seung Chung The Reading.  Portraits of actors rehearsing, a double layering of performance, oscillating between intellect and emotion.
  • Lee Il Woo Voice of Silence. Cathartic portraits of tearstained young men and women struggling with emotional wounds against a background of sky and sea.   

Zhao Renhui, Hyunmin Ryu and Gabriel Jones - The Gallery, OldSchool

  • Zhao Renhui Pulau Pejantan.  Visual diary of a journey to a fictitious place, a desolate lunar landscape punctuated portentiously by explosions, birds and other animals
  • Hyunmin Ryu Giggle.  Forensic investigations into the absurd; performative, ironic and just plain silly.
  • Gabriel Jones - Irhann.  Wild landscapes littered with space debris and missile parts

Special mention - Kurt Tong  - scoring double success with In Case It Rains in Heaven at the 2902 Gallery, OldSchool and award winning People's Park at the Lim Hak Tai Gallery (NAFA)

Singapore International Photography Festival 15 October - 13 November 2010. www.sipf.sg