Entries in Stephen Lam (1)


SIMULATED ALTERNATE REALITIES - 8 Oct 2010 1a space Hong Kong



1a space

Unit 14, Cattle Depot Artist Village

63 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon

Hong Kong 

Pioneering alternative art space 1a space and Diorama Projects are pleased to announce the opening of an exciting new exhibition called "SIMULATED ALTERNATE REALITIES" featuring the work of highly respected international artists such as Bruce Yonemoto (USA), Peter Fraser (UK), and Anthony Lam (UK) as well as Hong Kong's leading visual artists Hiram To, Stephen Lam, Nick Cheuk, Riddick Douglas Ning and Evangelo Costadimas & Syren Johnstone.  The exhibition will also include works from Noel Manalili (France), David Boyce (New Zealand), Kurt Tong (UK) and Graeme Cooper (UK).  For a number of artists, this will be the first time that their works have been exhibited in Asia.

The simulated alternative realities depicted within this exhibition exploit the problematic dialectic inherent in photography, the fallacy of photographic truth.  By its very nature, a photograph will always be someone else’s version of the truth, the word “composition” an abbreviation for the complex process of subjective selection and elimination integral even to so-called “documentary photography”.  Whilst we cannot authenticate reality through the photograph, at the core of each simulation is an element of the real, the point from which subjectivity and imagination combine to create a distillation of reality or a declaration of intent.  Within these simulated alternate realities, anything is possible.    

For more information go to http://www.dioramaprojects.org/simulated-alternate-realities/

Riddick Douglas Ning, Hong Kong Gothic, 2009