What's Not to like? - Culture(s) of Copy

To say why we like it would take too long. So here it is. In bullet points.
- Group show split between video works at the Hong Kong Film Archive - Candice Breitz, Harun Farocki, Qiu Anxiong, Pilvi Takala, Wong Hoy Cheong, Xu Zhen and Zhang Peili and Goethe Institut HK - Sven Drühl, Omer Fast, Anna Kermolaewa, Leung Chi-Wo + Sara Wong and Cornelia Sollfrank.
- "'Copy' as a global cultural strategy", copying as "an achievement".
- Coherent - heartening to see a curatorial team successfully putting together an intelligent and cohesive show where each work complements the others.
- Honourable mentions - Cornelia Sollfrank's Anonymous-warhol_flowers and Sven Drühl Constructed Landscapes, but go see for yourself
- Videos not reviewed...
Goethe-Gallery, Goethe-Institut Hong Kong
22 June - 31 July 2010
14/F Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai
10.00am - 8.00pm (Mon-Fri); 2.00pm - 6.00pm (Sat)
Exhibition Hall, Hong Kong Film Archive
22 June - 19 July 2010
50 Lei King Road, Sai Wan Ho
Daily (except Thursday) from 10.00am - 8.00pm