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Lost for Words - Peter Fraser

Peter Fraser is one of the most significant photographers to emerge from the new wave of British colour photography of the 1980s. Lost for Words is both the title of Fraser's solo exhibition which runs until 27 April 2010 at Ffotogallery, the national development agency for photography in Wales, and of his latest book, also published by Ffotogallery.  

From his photographs of the 1980s to the present, Fraser's works continue to be a testament to the transformative qualities of photography, transfiguring the mundane, the uninspiring and the kitsch into objects of contemplation.

Artist's website:



Exhibition runs until 27 April 2010

Ffotogallery, Turner House, Plymouth Road, Penarth, Cardiff.



Lost for Words - From the Publisher's Note:

The outcome of visits to many diverse sites of interest across Wales, Lost for Words captures in Fraser's unique way, the spirit of the country.  As Fraser was born and grew up in Wales, the project has a particular significance in terms of his childhood memories.

The new photography signifies a certain departure in that it relishes the artificial and the illusory - the world of the museum, other worlds, model worlds.  There is a dreamlike quality to many pictures as a result.  Fraser's art does not shout; it is subtle, descriptive, attentive, enigmatic, private and often unexpected.

Lost for Words is available from The Photographers' Gallery, London, Photo-Eye in USA and elsewhere and is distributed by Cornerhouse internationally.

ISBN-10:  1-872771-79-3
ISBN-13:  978-1-872771-79-3