
Ha Cha Youn

Thursday 23 September 2010



Sweet Home (2004), 2’30”, 2004

Balade dans Paris, 4’42”, 2006

Sweet Home 4, 7’59”, 2009

Bassin des Recollets, 3’37”, 2009

2P Contemporary Art Gallery and DIORAMA PROJECTS are pleased to announce the second of our DIORAMA PROJECTIONS featuring the video work of visual artist Ha Cha Youn, a Korean artist living and working in France.

Ha Cha Youn was born in Masan, Korea in 1960.  Since 1983 she has lived and worked in Germany and France and is currently living in Paris.  She studied visual art in Nimes and Poitiers in France and in Braunschweig, Germany.  She has exhibited her work at the Seoul Art Centre, Hangaram Museum, the Gyeonggido Museum of Modern Art and the Gyeongnam Art Museum, Korea, the 6th Biennale of Issy, and at the international Biennale of Contemporary Art, Melle, France.

For over twenty years, Ha Cha Youn has used the ubiquitous, multi-functional plastic bag in her work, mundane objects that have become symbolic of over-consumption, pollution and environmental meltdown. Despite these connotations, the plastic bag also serves as an ephemeral marker of human presence.  Through this object, Ha Cha Youn considers the precariousness of daily life; consumption, migration, deracination and the alienation of homelessness.

A live internet discussion with the artist will take place after the screening. 


2P Contemporary Art Gallery

Shop 5, G/F, 6-20 Po Tuck Street

Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong 

***This is event is free but booking is essential*** Contact or for reservations.

Ha Cha Youn


Art Break-In @ 2P Contemporary Art Gallery

Art Break-in, the first of our DIORAMA PROJECTIONS was held in collaboration with 2P Contemporary Art Gallery on 24 August 2010.  Set to great music by Chinese rock band Cold Blooded Animals, the documentary offered an introduction to China's art education system and the sheer determination, single-mindedness and financial sacrifices required of those preparing for and taking the university entrance exam.  Stark, highly personal, but not without humour, Art Break-in is destined to be compulsory viewing for anyone with an interest in contemporary art from China.  Many thanks to Clifford Borg Marks who shared his experiences in producing the film and adeptly fielded questions from the floor and to all who attended the evening. 




DIORAMA PROJECTIONS Art Break-In: Clifford Borg Marks and RTHK 

The producer of our featured documentary Art Break-In Clifford Borg Marks will be talking to RTHK's Sarah Passmore on her "Naked Lunch" radio broadcast on Monday 23 August at 1.30.

Art Break-In follows the progress of four Chinese art students as they attempt to pass the highly competitive entrance exam that will allow them to enter art school.

The screening will take place on 24 August 2010 at 7.30.

For more details please go to


Hong Kong Chronicles/Chroniques Hongkongaises - Festival Voies Off, Arles 2010

The exhibition, Hong Kong Chronicles/Chroniques Hongkongaises was well attended with an average of 60-70 visitors per day made up of photography lovers, curators, artists, students, teachers, press and art critics.  There was also a very good turn out for Gerard Henry's knowledgeable and well presented lecture on art in Hong Kong as well as considerable interest in his book Chroniques Hongkongaises.   

A big thank you to all the participating artists, Robert Cahen and John Borst, Nick Cheuk, Evangelo Costadimas and Syren Johnstone, Gerard Henry, Riddick Douglas Ning, Kacey Wong and Kurt Tong and special thanks to Christof Laloi, M. and Mme Pollet, Virgile Simon Bertrand, Harmonia Mundi and all the team at Voies Off.











2P Contemporary Art Gallery and DIORAMA PROJECTS are pleased to announce the launch of DIORAMA PROJECTIONS a series of free monthly screenings showcasing the video and photographic work of new and established artists and filmmakers.

Presenting a varied and eclectic programme of videos, slide show presentations and documentaries DIORAMA PROJECTIONS will provide a unique and informal opportunity to see the work of new and established contemporary artists and filmmakers.  Whenever possible, artists and filmmakers will either be present or will be available to interact with the audience directly through an internet video connection.

Our inaugural screening on 24 August 2010 will feature Art Break-In directed by Yang Lihua, a fascinating documentary charting the progress of four young art students as they try to enter China’s art education system.  The producer Clifford Borg Marks will be present.

**Free admission**booking essential**first come first served**

For more information about the film and booking go to