Monday 21 February 2011
Asia Society Hong Kong - Evening Discussion with DAVID KA-SHING TSE, Creative Director, Chinatown Arts Space
David Ka-Shing Tse is a key figure responsible for increasing the representation of East Asians in the sphere of arts and culture in the UK. David will give an overview of the British East Asian arts scene, and discuss his experience of co-founding the Yellow Earth Theatre (YET), which under his leadership became Britain’s only revenue-funded British East Asian touring theatre company. At Chinatown Arts Space (CAS), where David is currently the Creative Director, one of his key focus areas is to rebrand ‘Chinatown’ away from a place synonymous with food and shopping, to being a hub for young Chinese and East Asians to express themselves through art forms like dance, drama, music and visual arts. David read law before training at Rose Bruford College (acting) and the Leicester Haymarket Theatre (directing). He studied Beijing Opera movement with Lee Siu Wah and during M. Butterfly with Jamie Guan. For his services to theater, David was awarded Fellowship of Rose Bruford in 2007. Clips will be shown from David’s previous YET works as well as his latest production for CAS, Piccadilly Revisited – a film and music performance inspired by the life of Hollywood’s first Chinese film star, Anna May Wong, that will be performed at the 2011 HK Arts Festival. The discussion will be moderated by Davina Lee, independent curator and writer.
Helena May, Blue Room, 35 Garden Road, Central
Cocktail reception at 6.30 p.m., Presentation at 7.00 p.m., Close at 8.00 p.m.
$180 Asia Society members/Full-time students;
$230 Non-members (Priority to members)
For booking please go to or call +852 2103 9508